Results for 'Elías Eduardo Morales'

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  1.  6
    Colapietro, Vincent M. Acción, sociabilidad y drama. Un retrato pragmatista del animal humano, La Plata, Edulp, 2020, 222 páginas. [REVIEW]Elías Eduardo Morales - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 52 (1):e042.
    Reseña de Colapietro, Vincent M. Acción, sociabilidad y drama. Un retrato pragmatista del animal humano, La Plata, Edulp, 2020, 222 páginas.
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    Psicopolítica y big data como nuevas formas y herramientas para la organización política.Edwin Eduardo Niño-Morales, Oscar Javier Cabeza Herrera & Campo Elías Flórez-Pabón - 2024 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 36:247-273.
    El presente artículo indaga si ¿es el sujeto un ser autónomo en la deliberación política o sonlos pensamientos, las posturas y las formas de la organización política mediadas por las distintas herramientas comunicacionales a las que se ve expuesto quienes lo determinan? Así, analiza larelación que existe entre mass media y política, con la capacidad deliberativa del individuo altomar decisiones en el contexto político, a partir de Chomsky y Han. La metodología es cualitativa con diseño documental, el instrumento son fichas (...)
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    Dorrego, Eduardo y Fuentes, Elías, Dilucidando π. Irracionalidad, trascendencia y cuadratura del círculo en Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728-1777), Londres: College Publications, 2021. [REVIEW]Elias S. Ordorika - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (3):769-770.
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    Processo de implementação de políticas públicas e o uso do poder discricionário na área da educação.Fernando Batista Bandeira da Fontoura, Mariéli Helfer Gehring & Eduardo Elias Wachholtz - 2024 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 26 (1):160-176.
    Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o processo de implementação de políticas públicas na área da educação nos municípios de Rio Pardo, Venâncio Aires e Santa Cruz do Sul, localizados no interior do Rio Grande do Sul/Brasil. O objetivo do artigo foi analisar como os burocratas de nível de rua influenciam na área da educação em processos includentes e/ou excludentes que afetem a (re)produção ou redução de desigualdades no processo de implementação de políticas públicas. O artigo Burocracia e Implementação de (...)
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    Making Sense of Self-Deception: Distinguishing Self-Deception from Delusion, Moral Licensing, Cognitive Dissonance and Other Self-Distortions.Elias L. Khalil - 2017 - Philosophy 92 (4):539-563.
    There has been no systematic study in the literature of how self-deception differs from other kinds of self-distortion. For example, the term ‘cognitive dissonance’ has been used in some cases as a rag-bag term for all kinds of self-distortion. To address this, a narrow definition is given: self-deception involves injecting a given set of facts with an erroneous fact to make anex antesuboptimal decision seem as if it wereex anteoptimal. Given this narrow definition, this paper delineates self-deception from deception as (...)
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    Legacy Lecture: Elias Baumgarten.Elias Baumgarten - unknown
    Elias Baumgarten taught philosophy at the University of Michigan-Dearborn from 1972 to 2018. He was born in Brooklyn, grew up in California, and went to schools in Boston and Chicago. He was one of the first recipients of the campus’s “Distinguished Teaching Award.” He taught a wide variety of courses including Medical Ethics, Ethics of War and Peace, Ethics of Nationalism, and Darwinism and Philosophy. Most of his publications are in ethics, including “Zionism, Nationalism, and Morality” and “Curiosity as a (...)
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    DOSSIÊ MICHEL FOUCAULT: o pensamento de Michel Foucault em nosso tempo de agora.Cristiane Maria Marinho, Dorgival Gonçalves Fernandes, Elias Ferreira Veras & Eduardo F. Chagas - 2017 - Revista Dialectus 11.
    O que somos? Como nos tornamos o que somos? Quais relações de saber-poder atravessam nossas subjetividades? Quais dispositivos e tecnologías foram/são mobilizados em torno das urgências histórico-contemporâneas? Quais outros somos são possíveis diante das estratégias de governamentalidade disciplinares e biopolíticas que marcam a contemporaneidade? O pensamento de Michel Foucault e seu modo crítico de indagação histórica e filosófica possibilitam que interpelemos os processos que nos fizeram e nos fazem ser quem somos, seus mecanismos de assujeitamento e posibilidades de resistências, nos (...)
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    Propuesta cuasi-voluntarista del derecho internacional como derecho: grupos autocontenidos internacionales.Diego Isaac Amador Magaña & Eduardo Elías Gutiérrez López - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho:333-356.
    Los Estados confederados proyectan la existencia de un doble sistema normativo: federal y local. Esto provoca el surgimiento de colisiones y contradicciones entre ambos sistemas, lo que se pensaría debería ser resuelto por el derecho internacional, atendiendo el principio de subsidiariedad, no obstante, esto no siempre es así, ya sea porque el derecho internacional no regule ese caso concreto o bien, porque el Estado en cuestión no haya otorgado su consentimiento y la respuesta no le sea vinculante. Estas reflexiones invitan (...)
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  9. Responsabilidad y suerte moral: Circunstancias y consecuencias de la acción.Eduardo López - 2000 - Análisis Filosófico 20 (1-2):33-54.
    “Moral luck” alludes to the fact of being responsible for things over which we have no control. Typically, we have neither control over the consequences of our acts of will nor over the circumstances in which these acts are performed. The Kantian thesis on oral responsibility claims that every kind of moral responsibility claims that every kind of moral luck should be eliminated from our moral language and practice. In the case of consequences, this aim does not seem impossible. But (...)
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    The Fellow-Feeling Paradox: Hume, Smith and the Moral Order.Elias L. Khalil - 2015 - Philosophy 90 (4):653-678.
    Hume and Smith advance different answers to the question of whether sympathy can ever be the foundation of the moral order. They hold contradictory views of sympathy, called here ‘the Fellow-Feeling Paradox’. For Hume, fellow-feeling tends to reverberate in society, leading to the socialization of the individual and even mob (collective) psychology. Hence, sympathy cannot be the foundation of the moral order. In contrast, for Smith, fellow-feeling develops into critical judgment of the emotions/actions, leading to individual moral autonomy even self-command. (...)
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  11. La educación moral en la familia.Eduardo López Azpitarte - 1995 - Revista Agustiniana 36 (110):503-535.
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    Sentimientos morales, amor y libertad. Un examen de la propuesta compatibilista de Peter F. Strawson.Eduardo Ortiz - 2015 - Pensamiento 71 (268):949-969.
    Desde el reconocimiento del lugar central que el amor tiene en la experiencia humana, este trabajo propone una revisión de la reivindicación compatibilista que hace Strawson de los sentimientos morales en su importante artículo «Libertad y resentimiento». Pretende así hacer frente tanto a algunas de las objeciones dirigidas contra el intento compatibilista strawsoniano de terciar en el debate sobre la libertad como de calmar una queja justificada del libertarista.
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  13. Determinants of earnings management ethics among accountants.Rafik Z. Elias - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (1):33 - 45.
    Earnings management behavior is a concern of standard-setters, regulators and the accounting profession. This study examines the ethics of this practice using a national sample of 763 accounting practitioners, faculty and students. Possible determinants of the ethics of this practice such as perceived role of ethics and social responsibility, and personal moral philosophies (i.e. idealism and relativism) are explored. Results indicate a positive relationship between social responsibility, focus on long-term gains, idealism, and the ethical perception of earnings management and negative (...)
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    Pensar la moral desde la belleza.Eduardo Charpenel Elorduy - 2013 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 41 (1):183-219.
    My aim in this article is to study the role of beauty as symbol of morality within Kant’s Kritik der Urteilskraft. First, I draw a comparison between the schematism of concepts and the process of analogous reasoning. I sustain that analogous and symbolic reasoning leads in Kant to a consideration of the objects under the conditions set by the reflective agent himself: the thesis that I will prove thereby is that symbolic objects serve one’s own purposes of reflection on a (...)
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    Law, Ethics, and the Needs of History: Mendelssohn, Krochmal, and Moral Philosophy.Elias Sacks - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (2):352-377.
    Although the role of ethics in modern Jewish thought has been widely explored, major works by foundational philosophers remain largely absent from such discussions. This essay contributes to the recovery of these voices, focusing on the Hebrew writings of Moses Mendelssohn and Nachman Krochmal. I argue that these texts reveal the existence of a shared ethical project animating these founding philosophical voices of Jewish modernity, and that reconstructing their claims contributes to broader conversations about the relationship between ethics and law. (...)
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  16. Curiosity as a Moral Virtue.Elias Baumgarten - 2001 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 15 (2):169-184.
    I argue that curiosity about the world deserves attention as a moral virtue, even apart from the role it may play in (the more generally praised) love of wisdom. First, close relationships and caring are reasonably considered part of a well-lived life, and curiosity is important for caring both about people and about things in the world. Second, curiosity helps us to define an appropriate way for persons to be affected by certain situations. Perhaps most important, curiosity can help one (...)
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  17. Morale juive et morale chrétienne.Elia Benamozegh - 1946 - [Boudry-Neuchâtel]: La Baconnière.
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    Morale juive et morale chrétienne: examen comparatif suivi de quelques réflexions sur les principes de l'islamisme.Elia Benamozegh - 1925 - Firenze: Casa editrice "Israel".
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  19. Relativismo: diversidad de sistemas morales y conducta racional.Eduardo Rabossi - 1970 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 10 (14):307.
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    Protecting privacy to protect mental health: the new ethical imperative.Elias Aboujaoude - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (9):604-607.
    Confidentiality is a central bioethical principle governing the provider–patient relationship. Dating back to Hippocrates, new laws have interpreted it for the age of precision medicine and electronic medical records. This is where the discussion of privacy and technology often ends in the scientific health literature when Internet-related technologies have made privacy a much more complex challenge with broad psychological and clinical implications. Beyond the recognised moral duty to protect patients’ health information, clinicians should now advocate a basic right to privacy (...)
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  21. Concepto de derecho, moral y dignidad en Robert Alexy: de la argumentación a la metafísica.Eduardo R. Sodero - 2017 - In Robert Alexy (ed.), Argumentación, derechos humanos y justicia. Buenos Aires: Astrea.
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    Impact of Postgraduate Course Prevention of Burnout in the self-care of the personnel of infirmary.Moraima Wilson Donet, Maité Llanes Rizo, Alfredo Emilio Morales López & José Eduardo Vera Rodríguez - 2019 - Humanidades Médicas 19 (1):115-130.
    RESUMEN Introducción: El proceso de cuidar es el resultado de una construcción propia de cada situación, se origina con la identificación de los problemas de salud y las necesidades reales o potenciales de las personas, familia y comunidad que demandan cuidado. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto del Diplomado Prevención del Síndrome de Burnout, en el autocuidado del personal de enfermería de la Atención Secundaria de Salud de la provincia Camagüey. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional, en el Hospital Amalia Simoni (...)
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    La crisis moral.Eduardo A. Valdovinos - 1965 - Buenos Aires,: Troquel.
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    Impulsivity-Compulsivity Axis: Evidence of Its Clinical Validity to Individually Classify Subjects on the Use/Abuse of Information and Communication Technologies.Daniel Cassú-Ponsatí, Eduardo J. Pedrero-Pérez, Sara Morales-Alonso & José María Ruiz-Sánchez de León - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The compulsive habit model proposed by Everitt and Robbins has accumulated important empirical evidence. One of their proposals is the existence of an axis, on which each a person with a particular addiction can be located depending on the evolutionary moment of his/her addictive process. The objective of the present study is to contribute in addressing the identification of such axis, as few studies related to it have been published to date. To do so, the use/abuse of Information and Communication (...)
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  25.  40
    Sobre la justificación moral de las acciones: El tema del castigo.Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1970 - Critica 4 (10):3-46.
  26.  60
    Moral, religión Y política en I. Kant.Eduardo Molina Cantó - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (148):131-144.
    Al final de la Crítica de la facultad de juzgar, Kant aborda el problema de las pruebas de la existencia de Dios y revisa en detalle el argumento que a él le parece el único capaz de provocar verdadero asentimiento: la prueba moral. Se revisa el camino que sigue Kant para llegar, a través de su anál..
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    Contemporary Moral Problems, Second Edition. [REVIEW]Elias Baumgarten - 1988 - Teaching Philosophy 11 (4):360-361.
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    Moral, Religion, and Politics in I. Kant.Eduardo Molina Canto - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (148):131-144.
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    Information ethics across information cultures.Elia Chepaitis - 1997 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 6 (4):195–200.
    Information cultures consist of the values, beliefs and behaviour relating to information ownership and management, while information ethics applies to the moral application of data. The author’s experience of Russia and its information culture provides a striking case study of the disastrous social and business consequences of an absence of information ethics. This paper was delivered in its original form at the First World Congress of Business, Economics and Ethics of the International Society of Business, Economics and Ethics , held (...)
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    From imperial to dialogical cosmopolitanism?Eduardo Mendieta - 2009 - Ethics and Global Politics 2 (3).
    We can now survey the ruins of a Babelian tower of discourse about cosmopolitanism. We speak of “elite travel lounge,” “Davos,” “banal” as well as of “reflexive,” “really existing,” “patriotic,” and “horizontal” cosmopolitanisms. Here, an attempt is made to extract what is normative and ideal in the concept of cosmopolitanism by foregrounding the epistemic and moral dimensions of this attitude towards the world and other cultures. Kant, in a rather unexpected way, is profiled as the exemplification of what is here (...)
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  31.  34
    Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments.Elias L. Khalil - 2023 - Topoi 42 (5):1257-1262.
    This review identifies at least six different kinds of fellow-feeling in Adam Smith’sTheory of Moral Sentiments.The six kinds are (i) the mirroring of emotions; (ii) altruism; (iii) judgment of pitch of emotions/actions; (iv) judgment of merit of emotions/actions; (v) friendship-and-love; and (vi) aspiration that leads to admiration. Smith does not list them side-by-side. This side-by-side listing promises to help thinkers to see how to assemble them to construct a coherent and systematic framework on how to amalgamate three moments of behavior: (...)
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    Love, reason and morality.Eduardo Ortiz Llueca - 2020 - Ratio 33 (2):125-128.
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  33. La sociología del tiempo de Norbert Elias.Eduardo Vicente Navarro - 2005 - A Parte Rei 42:13.
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  34. On the Ineffable Unity of Morality and Politics in Kant.Elia R. G. Pusterla & Cristóbal Garibay-Petersen - forthcoming - Jus Cogens:1-21.
    Unable to overlook Agamben’s gloss of Kant’s moral philosophy as a vector of ontological delirium, the article scrutinises Kant’s choice of the well-known expression ‘categorical imperative’ as the prescriptive cornerstone of moral praxis. The article’s central claim is that the linguistic formulation of the categorical imperative in such terms on Kant’s part is not determined by pleonastic redundancy or overabundant formality. It depends on Kant’s well-aware need to voice and get logically rid of, as best as possible, within the available (...)
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  35. Abenmasarra y Su Escuela Origines de la Filosofía Hispano-Musulmana. Discursos Leido En El Acto de Su Recepción.Miguel Asín Palacios, Eduardo Sanz Y. Escartin & Madrid [Real] Academia de Ciencias Morales Y. Politicas - 1914 - Real Academia de Cencias Morales y Politicas.
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  36. Transparency rights, technology, and trust.John Elia - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (2):145-153.
    Information theorists often construe new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as leveling mechanisms, regulating power relations at a distance by arming stakeholders with information and enhanced agency. Management theorists have claimed that transparency cultivates stakeholder trust, distinguishes a business from its competition, and attracts new clients, investors, and employees, making it key to future growth and prosperity. Synthesizing these claims, we encounter an increasingly common view: If corporations voluntarily adopted new ICTs in order to foster transparency, trust, and growth, while (...)
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  37. "Contemporary Moral Philosophy", por Geoffrey J. Warnock. [REVIEW]Eduardo A. Rabossi - 1974 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 14 (21):169.
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    Metáforas de la individualidad moral y fundamentos de infoética.Eduardo De Bustos - 2006 - Isegoría 34:47-61.
    La ética de la información propuesta por L. Floridi es la principal alternativa teórica que, por un lado, permite superar la polémica de la singularidad de la ética de los computadores y, por otro, dotar de un fundamento teórico general a dicha ética en un nivel ontológico. Su análisis crítico desvela los mecanismos cognitivos empleados en su constitución y, al mismo tiempo, pone en cuestión algunas de sus consecuencias, como la equiparación del mal moral con alguna forma de entropía.
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    Orientación pastoral y práctica sacramental para pacientes que eligen el suicidio asistido/eutanasia.Christian Domenic Elia - 2020 - Medicina y Ética 31 (4):1043-1055.
    Desde 2016, el suicidio asistido y la eutanasia han sido legalmente permitidos en Canadá y se han referido, contenciosamente, como «Asistencia Médica en la Muerte (MAID, por sus siglas en inglés)». Este documento describe cómo el relativismo sobre el suicidio ha creado tal incertidumbre que ha afectado a los médicos y profesionales de la salud, incluidos los administradores de la atención médica, mientras se esfuerzan por cumplir con sus deberes. Esto se ve, en parte, al tratar a los pacientes que (...)
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    Aquiles en TikTok: el camino a la virtud.Eduardo Infante - 2023 - [Barcelona]: Ariel.
    Los referentes que durante milenios han guiado a la humanidad hacia las cotas más altas de virtud están siendo reemplazados por la mediocridad de algunos influencers que venden éxito sin esfuerzo, mensaje sin sustancia y felicidad efímera. Sin embargo, la capacidad de transformación y elevación de modelos como el de Aquiles no puede ser sustituida por los famosos de las redes sociales. Eduardo Infante acude a los grandes filósofos del mundo clásico para destacar la vigencia de la virtud, una (...)
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    Philosophy of education: classical and contemporary.John L. Elias - 1995 - Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Pub. Co..
    Introduces classical and contemporary philosophical ideas of education in various areas, including intellectual, moral, aesthetic, religious, political, vocational, physical, and special education, from a historical perspective. Chapters treat the history of ideas in each area and the history of ideas in practice. Annotation copyright Book News, In.
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    El pensamiento político de Chomsky en diálogo con la teoría de la justicia de Rawls.Eduardo Alberto León & Alfredo Bagua Maji - 2023 - Discusiones Filosóficas 24 (43):223-241.
    En este artículo se explora la relación entre el pensamiento político de Noam Chomsky y la teoría de la justicia de John Rawls, estableciendo un diálogo crítico entre ambas perspectivas para identificar áreas de convergencia y divergencia. El objetivo es analizar cómo las ideas de Chomsky en torno a la justicia, la democracia y la responsabilidad moral pueden contribuir a la reflexión sobre la teoría de Rawls. Aunque Chomsky es reconocido principalmente por su trabajo en lingüística y crítica social, su (...)
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    Is it Morally Wrong to Defend Unjust Causes as a Lawyer?Eduardo Rivera-López - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (2):177-189.
    The question I address in this article is whether it is morally wrong for a lawyer to represent a client whose purpose is immoral or unjust. My answer to this question is that it is wrong, prima facie. This conclusion holds, even accepting certain traditional principles of lawyer's professional ethics, such as the right of defence and the so-called principle of ‘adversarial’ litigation. Both the adversarial system and the right of defence are sufficient to support or justify the right of (...)
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  44. Derecho y ley en José Ortega y Gasset / Right and Law in José Ortega y Gasset.Francisco Elías de Tejada - 1965-1966 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez (5-6):109-127.
    Contents: 1. Razón del presente estudio -- 2. La formación del Derecho -- 3. Ortega y el Derecho natural -- 4. Ortega y el espíritu popular o "Volksgeist" -- 5. El Derecho y la Moral -- 6. Derecho y ley positiva -- 7. Colofón.
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    La democracia como moral.Elías Díaz - 1997 - Isegoría 15:29-37.
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    L'opération cartésienne et la présence dialogique de l'être.Eduardo Nicol - 1956 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 61 (3/4):303 - 327.
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    Friends with the Good: Moral Relativism and Moral Progress.Eduardo Pérez-Navarro - 2023 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (3):886-899.
    The aim of this paper is to defend moral relativism from the accusation that it would make it irrational to classify past changes in public opinion as instances of moral progress, for they would constitute an improvement only from our current point of view. The argument is this. For our assessment of a change in public opinion as an instance of moral progress to be rational, we need to take the moral claims made before the change to be false simpliciter (...)
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    How to Reject Resultant Moral Luck Alone.Eduardo Rivera-López - 2016 - Journal of Value Inquiry 50 (2):415-423.
  49. The imaginaries of moral freedom : on Chiara Bottici and Drucilla Cornell.Eduardo Mendieta - 2021 - In Suzi Adams & Jeremy C. A. Smith (eds.), Debating Imaginal Politics: Dialogues with Chiara Bottici. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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  50. Beyond Self-Interest and Altruism: A Reconstruction of Adam Smith's Theory of Human Conduct.Elias L. Khalil - 1990 - Economics and Philosophy 6 (2):255-273.
    I attempt a reconstruction of Adam Smith's view of human nature as explicated in The Theory of Moral Sentiments. Smith's view of human conduct is neither functionalist nor reductionist, but interactionist. The moral autonomy of the individual, conscience, is neither made a function of public approval nor reduced to self-contained impulses of altruism and egoism. Smith does not see human conduct as a blend of independently defined impulses. Rather, conduct is unified, by the underpinning sentiment of sympathy.
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